Grammy came over the whole week and captured some great pictures of my blue eyed boy! We had the best week, grammy spoiled us ALL! We already miss her. Enjoy the pictures!
Grammy getting some Love!
Smiling away!
This is one of grammy's favorites!
Olivia and Wilson after his bath. She loves helping with him.
God has blessed us so much with Wilson Grey, he was born February 16, 2009 at 9:37pm. He weighed 7 lbs and 7 ounces with a head full of black hair. We noticed a little later he had brown highlights on the tips of his hair. He is perfect and has been the best baby!! Ryan and I are so excited to be his parents and love on him everyday. He is a pretty good mix of both of us but I feel like he looks more like his daddy everyday!! We were blessed to have our families help us out the first few weeks! There will be more posts to come!!