Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Save the Blog!

Ok, I havent posted anything in about a week, I am sorry.  I am just not convinced there are many people that read it.  I feel like I post the same things on facebook and it's probably the same people on there also.  If you would like for me to continue our blog let me know!!
Here are some pictures we took with our phones the last week- 31/2 months!!


  1. Well Girl, I say keep posting because I LOVE seeing ANY and ALL pictures of this precious little guy! I can't believe how big he is getting!!!!!

  2. Please continue your blog! I love being able to keep up with you guys and your little one since I don't get much of a chance to chat and catch up on a regular basis!! I love all of the pics you post of Wilson! He's so precious:) Miss you!!

  3. Keep the blog!!! I feel the same about our blog but I know people look at it they just don't always comment. Plus...with the blog you can make a blog scrapbook and you will have all the "stories" already done. My friend told me about a website that you submit your blog to when you want it published!
    signed in as James...but this is Amber!! ha ha

  4. keep the blog! I like to look

  5. Keep the blog:) You can check out how many people are viewing it and where they are from...all kinds of cool information. Just go to google analytics and create an account for your blog.

  6. Keep it!!!!!!!!!! Its easier to check than facebook. It takes forever to look at pics on facebook.
    Is he loosing his hair? It looks thinner in these pics.

  7. keep it! well, i;m not one to talk. i always check my blogs daily, but haven't posted in months.

  8. Oh, please keep it! I agree with Elizabeth, it takes forever to look at pictures on Facebook and there's not always the story. :-) I enjoy reading your blog and watching Wilson grow! Love You!!

    Those of us who don't get to see you guys and love on him get to watch Wilson grow up. I check it every morning before I leave for work, this one and Elizabeths. I feel like I'm right there with them this way. Makes me miss you guys even more. I may not write something all the time - cuz it would alwasys be the same - cute, cute, cute !!! You guys are so blessed.
    love you lots
    Aunt Elaine
