Monday, June 28, 2010

Wilson's Big Boy Hair Cut!!

Ok, so I have issues. Wilson has had only one haircut and it was getting a little out of control. Poor little buddy was burning up with all his hair!! But as his mommy, I have to admit I don't like seeing my baby become my toddler (sad sigh). We went to Sports Clips and thankfully the lady had a little 17 month old boy so she understood my craziness as I said "that's probably good" with each snip! Ryan knows me too well- he kept texting "CUT IT SHORT." It looks really cute.
(I think he knew it was a big change for mommy, he hugged my neck as I rocked him asleep tonight; my cup runneth over!)

I think he looks more like Ry with his new do! What do you think?

BEFORE: P.S. He sat there like a big boy and was PERFECT!
The sucker helped! LOOK AT HIS PINKY! HAHA.
Love his cheeks.
AFTER: Eating dinner with his new do.
I thought this pic was funny- he fed himself yogurt by the way; it was pretty much everywhere; including all over Lillie!!


  1. Have I ever mentioned how much I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this little one???? These pics are priceless and "yes", I do think I see my little "boo" :-) in him.

    Love you lots,

  2. looks likecum all over him and mmmmmmmm Lillie got it too

    1. i wish it was mine i misscumming in my daughtrs mouth and all over herpussy
