WOW! Does time go by fast or what?? Little Wils is already 7 months and growing so fast. Ry and I are so blessed to have such a wonderful and HEALTHY son. He is the happiest and loviest kid in the world!! Here are some new things and old things he is doing:
He can sit up by himself- he loves doing this I think he feels independent.
He can ALMOST crawl- today he was moving his arms and waist like crazy ROCKING- once he figures out his legs -IT IS ON!
When I play fetch with Lille he laughs hysterically.
He still prefers his two Grammy's!! It's funny he just laughs and loves on them both!
His favorite toy right now is his drums- today he was hitting them so hard- it was cute.
He has LOVED everything I have given him food wise- he is not picky!
He still is the most content baby- we went to the fair for about four hours- he just looked around and even napped in his stroller. He loved the little circus we went to.
But my ultimate favorite thing still is when he sees his daddy when he gets home from work. I love how they both LIGHT up.
I love my family!
Love you mommy!